George S. SEO Expert

5 reasons why online SEO marketing can change your business

It's no secret that SEO is a powerful tool for business marketing. This enables you to direct potential clients to your website, which increases your company's revenue regardless of your industry.

Although the significance of online search engine optimization is clear, let's explore the specific reasons why it is one of the most effective online marketing techniques.

1. Google is used by thousands of people every second.

You are practically advertising your company to thousands of people when you include web optimization in your marketing plan. To be more precise, 67,000 people do so every second.

You have a better chance of attracting interested clients and increasing your conversion rate when you utilize SEO to promote the goods and services your business offers to a big user base.

Without SEO, it's doubtful that your target market will ever discover your website, much less purchase your goods.

2. Paid advertising is frequently disregarded.

While some paid advertisements can be a terrific approach to promote your company, the majority of users i.e. nearly 80% just ignore paid advertisements that show up in search results.

This implies that the likelihood that someone will click on your website increases if it shows in the search results. If your website has an organic ranking, sponsored advertising is not displayed next to it on the results page. To show up naturally in search results, you do not need to pay a dollar, but you do require a strong SEO effort.

3. Businesses are using SEO more than ever.

SEO is vital if you want to keep up with your rivals. Expanding their SEO operations was, in fact, the top priority for 61% of businesses in 2018.

4. SEO boosts conversions.

Compared to traditional marketing, the SEO conversion rate is extremely high.

Traditional marketing strategies typically show a 1.7 percent conversion rate, while SEO delivers a 14.6 percent conversion rate. This is a huge difference and perfectly illustrates why SEO is one of the best marketing strategies out there.

5. Local SEO is extremely effective.

If you are running a local business, SEO is something you should definitely add to your marketing strategy.

After users search for a local business, 88 percent of them will call or visit the business they found and selected within 24 hours.

The catch is that you have to appear well on search engines in order for local search engines to find you, and the only way to do that is to implement a strong local SEO strategy.

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