George S. SEO Expert

8 landing page mistakes to avoid

A landing page is a great tool for a marketer. This can be a direct way to tell a story that will grab your customer’s attention and lead to a “call to action” click, which could mean a successful conversion or desired signup. Either way, it creates a good bond between you and your client (current or future).

But the story your landing page tells needs to be very well written. As it happens in every fairy tale or thriller you read, it should make sense and speak directly to your audience. Paying attention to what they want to hear and how they want to hear it.

Never undermine the power of storytelling in marketing. Marketers are becoming more and more aware of this, and it's something that should be present in all your marketing content. And of course your landing page shouldn't be outside of that.

Everything on your landing page needs to be carefully crafted, from the web design to the photos you use. Otherwise, you could lose significant leads, confuse a customer, or even create a bad image for your brand.

There are some things you can do to jeopardize your chance of converting a user into a customer, and here are some of them.

Unclear call to action

A call to action button is one of the most important things on your landing page. This is how you close the deal, how you defeat your goal. And this is the main reason why the user should find it without sweating. It shouldn't be a problem for the user to find the right place to click.

Do your best to make all of your landing page content very clear. It should be a well-written post explaining what you're doing, why you're doing it and how to do it. Your client needs to know a little about you and understand very quickly why they are on this page. Don't be general or try something too subjective.

Also, be careful with the number of links you put there. If the user has too many options to click, they can get lost and the call to action opportunity can go to waste.

Wrong color

As already mentioned, your call to action should grab people's attention quickly. Now is not the time to be discrete. But of course you have to keep it tasteful.

Sometimes companies forget to create a page with a call to action button that actually pops up and grabs attention as soon as you look at the page. And for that, you can rely on what certain colors mean and what feelings they evoke in people. This science is very used for companies and you should apply it too if you are thinking about improving your results and conversions.

Below is some information about the most commonly used colors. The listed offers have proven success with users.

Blue: One of the most beloved as 57% of men and 35% of women declare it their most cherished. People usually think of trust and professionalism when they see the color blue. If that's what you're looking for, blue might be a great option.

Green: It is associated with "forward", because of the traffic signs. This means that a call to action button with this color can get more people to click, as it is a subtle way of saying “click here and now.” Green is also commonly associated with healthy and organic foods.

Red is the color of passion and can make people act impulsively. That's why it's a favorite in "sales" ads, for example.

Many colors can make sense for your business landing page. You need to understand which one is best for your brand and purpose.


All your efforts must be above this level. If your call to action is below this imaginary line, you are doing it wrong. Even if people scroll down the pages, they spend 80% of their time reading and interacting with what is above the fold.

Marketers and writers have been studying how people read things on a page for years to understand the best way to advertise and get people's attention on the most important things. This began to be successfully applied to newspapers, and the same knowledge is now being used to improve their results.

Plain story

Don't underestimate the power of a well-told story. Your landing page should put people in a position to explain why they are there and for what purpose. Nobody likes to feel lost.

Put in some effort to figure out what your real main goal is with a landing page. You can even ask yourself a few questions that your reader might want to know the answer to as soon as they appear on your landing page:

- What is this page about?

- Why am I here?

- Okay, I'm interested. What should I do?

This should give you some guidance and make the whole process easier. You just have to put yourself in your client's shoes and design the best experience for them and the best path for them to follow.

Another important point is to remember who you are writing for. Your message must have the right tone for your desired audience. If it is not intended to capture the attention of an expert, he cannot have any expert jargon, for example.

Poor quality images

Another common mistake is photographs, and two problems are usually noticed here. The landing page should have beautiful images, good resolution, and convey a message that makes sense. It should tie in with everything else on your page as well as your branding.

Good quality photos give you confidence. And as you all know, an image is sometimes worth a thousand words. Keep this in mind when discussing with your design team.

Avoid images that don't add value to your content or are too mixed. Run away from the ones you can probably find on any other site because they aren't unique enough. You don't want the user to feel like they've already been on that page because they've seen something similar before. This can cause them to close your landing page right away and probably never come back.

But there is one catch. The images should be of high quality, but under no circumstances should they slow down the loading of the landing page. Can you imagine it? You make a beautiful call to action page exactly where it should be and it doesn't load. It will spoil all your work.

Too many questions

Many users are afraid to give information on the Internet. It's not hard to find scary stories in the news about people who have had their identities stolen. And many people are still unaware of any type of online security. And people are afraid of what they don't know.

Your landing page cannot create more problems than solutions. If you need a form, keep it simple and obvious. Don't make people wonder why you are asking this or that. Ask only what makes sense for your business and for transforming that lead. People are more inclined to give such information without any hesitation. They are already waiting and do not feel deceived.


Honesty is always a great trait and clients appreciate it. Only put accurate information on your landing page, don't try to trick the user into doing what you want without explaining exactly what it is. Remember that it is easy to spot fraud on the Internet and destroy the reputation of an unethical business. These things are easy to share.

Be clear in your call to action, privacy, and be honest with your feedback if you have any. Never post fake testimonials from fake people on your landing page claiming they give you the best reviews when they don't even exist. It can destroy your credibility and users almost always get it right away.

Another point is to give the user what you promised. If they came to your page because of the promise of a coupon, discount, or something else, give it to them. It's very bad for your image if you cheat and most customers are very vigilant for scams.

Forgetting SEO

Your landing page is a great opportunity to reach more customers and people should find it on Google.

It is very important to have a link to your landing page on your website, partner sites or blog. But if someone has the intent to buy or subscribe to something, it will probably be the person who did the specific Google search. Remember that they were looking for the exact service you offer when they found you. You must take advantage of this.

Prepare your landing page with the right and most used keywords. This way it will be easy to find on Google, preferably on the first page.

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