George S. SEO Expert

FAQ section: why do you need it?

The FAQ section is the part of your site where you answer frequently asked customer questions and objections.

Your FAQ page is not just to answer the most common questions about your business. FAQ section has the following benefits:

1. Removes the anxieties and fears of customers who have not found answers to some of the questions on the site.

2. Makes the work of support service easier by answering frequently asked questions from customers.

3. Improves SEO and site navigation.

4. Increases customer trust by demonstrating knowledge of your product.

5. Alerts to customer complaints and negative reviews.

When you need a FAQ section

You need a FAQ section if:

- Clients regularly ask you the same questions.

- You have a plan for how to create content/landing pages that you can link to from the FAQ section and take the client from a question to a possible conversion.

Where to look for questions for the FAQ section?

Your inbox and support tickets are the places to check first. But you should also think ahead of time about customer objections, which you can turn into questions too.

Think about how to strategically ask the right questions, educate customers about your products, and create demand.

When deciding which questions to choose for your FAQ section, focus on relevance, usefulness, and opportunities that will turn questions into further engagement or lead to conversions.

If you end up with a long list of questions, group the questions into categories such as Shipping or About to make it easier for visitors to navigate through the section.

If you don't have emails or support tickets from customers, look up your competitors' FAQs, read product reviews in your niche, and use the forums to see what questions people are asking.

How to answer questions in the FAQ section?

- The way you arrange answers plays a crucial role. Always respond in a positive way.

- Show authority through your responses, but don't overdo in order not to lose your audience.

- Formulate questions from the client’s perspective, such as “How do I…?” and answer from a business perspective, such as “You should…” or “We provide.”

- Focus on clear language first and then on the goals you want to achieve when answering each question in the FAQ section.

- Use images or videos whenever they can complement your answers. If it's in the spirit of your brand, you can add a little entertainment element to the FAQ section and break it down with a couple of fun questions and answers.

- What is often overlooked on many FAQ pages is the call to action at the end of the section to take customers further down the funnel.

- Think about what the next step is more logical for the client to take after reading a certain question and add a link to the relevant page of the site.

How the FAQ section can help SEO

Many sites treat the FAQ section as a separate page that uses a question and answer format to communicate information. But apart from that, you can also make a section with separate pages for each answer. This will make the FAQ section more convenient for search engines.

When you link to a separate page in each question, you can help each answer show up in the search engine. Even if your audience is not looking for topics related to your brand, they may be looking for answers to questions in your field. If you create content or landing pages that are optimized for these queries, customers can find you.

Where to put the FAQ section

It depends on the situation. If customer support is an important part of your business, it might be worth putting a FAQ section on your support page. So customers will first read the questions and answers and then contact support if they do not find the answers they need. If you're selling a product or service that always raises a lot of questions, it might be a good idea to explicitly link to the FAQ section in your site navigation.

You can also integrate FAQ directly into product pages. You can make it part of your product descriptions, or place FAQ near the bottom of the page, next to customer reviews.

If your main menu is already populated, you can add a link to the footer.

FAQ Page Template

Although there is no universal FAQ page template, there are universal questions that are suitable for all areas. Here are the most important ones:

How can I return a product?

What are the delivery options?

When will I get my order?

What should I do if I haven't received an order?

What should I do if I received a defective item?

How can I change an order that I have made?

Where are you located?

What is the product made of?

How can I order the correct size?

How to contact you?

Once you've answered the basic questions, dive into the details a bit. This is where you will need information from emails and tickets.

Security Questions

You need to convince customers that their information will be kept safe and secure. It is also important to answer possible questions about the safety of using your products.

Product Features and Brand Promise

Use the FAQ to show what makes your brand stand out from the rest. For example, many skincare brands use the FAQ section to explain, for example, that their cosmetics are not tested on animals.

Product use

You can use the FAQ section not only to convince potential customers to buy your service, but also to help existing customers. Answer questions about how to start using your product in the section.


If you want to get the most out of your FAQ page, it's worth placing it in a place where potential customers are already thinking about buying, and existing customers are about to contact you.

The FAQ section is best added to the site as part of the support or contact page, or in the navigation menu.

It's also important to update this section periodically as customers have new questions, or you've created pages in the meantime that you can link to from this section.

The FAQ section is often neglected. But if used strategically, it can do a lot, from reducing support workload to boosting sales.

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