George S. SEO Expert

How to submit a website to directories

Before submitting your website in directories, you need to make a list of requests for which you will be found in search engines.

Now you can easily compose a number of titles for your resource using your chosen keywords. However, one important point must be taken into account, namely that it will be good to use phrases, in addition to the individual words that you found in the statistics.

Similar names will be placed on the link from the directory and will lead to your website. And the use of this kind of names will allow you to use different keywords, and thereby avoid exceeding the limit of links with the same text, and they, in turn, are not taken into account by search robots.

All names should be chosen carefully

As far as search engines do not take into account links with keywords separated by commas and a huge number of directories place links only after preliminary moderation, all directories that monitor their content will most likely refuse to place such a link or simply adjust it at their discretion, and as you know, links from such harsh moderated directories have the greatest weight.

The site address is completely optional to fill in, but still its presence in the title will increase recognition among a huge number of competitors. When choosing a rubric, you need to choose the most suitable one for you. This is necessary because the page from this section comes out as the most appropriate for the topic of citation. And of course, if the section does not suit you, the moderator, without understanding all the details, can reject your website, which is already rather plain.

In order to increase the speed of choosing a rubric, use the search. You should pay attention to the fact that you need to arrange the words in the list, starting with the most suitable, and then in descending order. There are times when it is difficult to predict in which particular declension a word is in the title of a given rubric, here you can already use words without endings. Keep in mind that sometimes the same word can be spelled differently.

Remember one more thing: a prerequisite for successful submission to directories is the correct description of the resource and the selection of the necessary keywords.

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