George S. SEO Expert

Key points of websites promotion

Text as an effective means of website promotion

Website promotion in search engines due to optimized texts is considered to be one of the most effective methods of work. At the same time, website promotion in search engines with the help of text has some features. For example, Google and Yahoo! have different requirements for a web resource placed in the TOP, and site promotion using keywords should be carried out taking into account these features, that is, content-oriented site promotion methods are not the same for all search engines.

For most people, text is nothing more than a few phrases related to each other, however, for specialists in the field of promotion, website promotion and SEO, text is not only an important component of any Internet resource, but also an effective means of promotion. In this regard, when promoting a website, its content (a set of texts) solves two important tasks at once, on the one hand, it is the text that is the main criterion when the user decides whether to make a purchase here or go to a competing web resource, so the effectiveness of promotion the site directly depends on the quality of its content; on the other hand, the text plays a decisive role in the search engine optimization of the site. Website promotion can be considered successful if it is possible to achieve a harmonious balance between the effectiveness of the text in terms of search engine optimization and in terms of user confidence.

The uniqueness of the content is considered to be one of the most important requirements for successful website promotion.

If original and professionally written content is not compiled during site promotion, no search engine will hold it for a long time on the first lines of the issue, that is, site promotion directly depends not only on the presence of keywords, but also on their text environment.

Website optimization through content improvement is a profitable, effective and promising method of website promotion on the Internet. Our agency, providing its customers with website promotion services, puts a serious emphasis on it.

Site promotion results in search engines

Website promotion in search engines is one of those areas where you have to work blindly, in a sense, because, despite the presence of a clear and specific set of tools used, the effect of the work performed or its absence can be seen only after a few weeks or even months. This is primarily due to the frequency of updating search engine databases.

Therefore, on the one hand, one should not count on the fact that the rating of the promoted site will go up sharply the next day after the start of work on promoting the site. On the other hand, if you choose the wrong strategy for promoting the site in search engines, it will also take a lot of time to correct the situation. And as you know, time is money, and while errors are being corrected, customers go to competitors. That's why it's better not to take risks right away, not to experiment and order website optimization and promotion from experienced specialists with a reputation.

Black hat and legal tactics of website promotion

The main and, perhaps, the only argument that people who rely on black hat tactics of website promotion is the ability to quickly achieve the intended positions in the TOP of search results. However, they are silent about the fact that with the help of such methods of website promotion, your web resource will not only soar to the top of success, which is quite possible, but will also be quickly expelled from there, since search engines, fighting for relevance to queries, don’t give high rank to such websites. And if the search engine machines also “suspect” fraud during site promotion, the system can not only return the suspicious web resource to the positions it previously occupied, but also exclude it from its database altogether.

And here's what else is important: an experienced user will always pay attention to the use of black hat tactics of website promotion, since this always leaves a mark on the appearance of the resource and the information it contains. Site pages oversaturated with spam are unlikely to convince the user of the need to use the promoted product. And even the position of the site in the top ten will not save here.

The choice of working methods in any case is yours, however, you should be aware of the importance of not only the promotion of the site as such, but also the quality of this work. At the same time, one can talk about the importance of the quality of work on website promotion for a long time, however, for most customers who choose a contractor for site optimization and promotion, the decisive argument is the price of the issue. However, it is often the low price of the site promotion service that is a signal that indicates the low quality and methods of work used by the contractor. This happens when the price is significantly different from the average market.

Before agreeing to various kinds of "attractive" proposals for complex website promotion, try to analyze it from the position that the offered price of this service includes the cost of various types of Internet advertising, posting materials on thematic portals, writing texts for search engine promotion of the site , purchased links, as well as the salaries of specialists who actually promote the site in search engines, rent an office, repair computers, pay phone bills, Internet and electricity, etc.

And now look again at the proposed amount for the service to promote the site in search engines. In your opinion, is it completely adequate or is it underestimated to the detriment of the quality of any of the necessary measures, which jeopardizes the result of all work on the promotion of the site? On the other hand, a number of companies offer clearly inflated prices for website optimization and promotion services, believing that the customer must pay extra for the brand.

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