George S. SEO Expert

On-page SEO factors checklist

Competent work on internal factors is especially important for developed e-commerce projects, because any action not only affects the conversion rate, but can also lead to loss of data or website performance, which will cause significant loss.

1. Analysis of the company niche / subject of the site. Definition of thematic features and restrictions for this site.

2. Analysis of the current state of the domain and its search parameters to assess the current site promotion.

3. Formation of a list of suitable search queries for a given site using various sources:

- web analytics counters;

- database of keywords;

- Google Trends.

4. Processing the resulting list - screening out unsuitable for promoting this site requests.

5. Analysis of the received list of requests:

- dividing it into groups;

- assessment of the frequency of requests;

- query efficiency.

6. A brief technical audit of the website, an assessment of the amount of technical work on the site required to bring the site in line with the requirements of search engines.

7. Estimation of the volume of additional link mass required for the website to advance on a compiled list of requests. To do this, first determine the current volume of the link mass, then the required volume is calculated, a conclusion is made.

8. Amount of content estimation (additional pages to write) the site needs to progress through the list of requests.

9. Forecasting the speed of bringing the website to the top search and the amount of search traffic that can be obtained as a result of successful SEO promotion according to the compiled list search queries.

10. Evaluation of an advertising campaign in contextual advertising (in support of SEO promotion).

11. Coordination of the received estimate and scope of work with the customer, finalization of the strategy project promotion.

12. SEO analysis, development of an optimization plan.

13. Analysis of website content, including:

- Checking the site for the presence of sanctions imposed by search engines (automatic and manual filters), including: ban, AGS, affiliation, filter for re-optimization.

- Website analysis for search engine spam: hidden text/links, doorways, directories links/articles.

- Checking the site for the absence of advertising on it (contextual advertising, teaser networks, pupunder, clickunder).

- Analysis of the site's HTML code for compliance with semantic requirements.

- Control of the correct indexing of site pages: the absence of non-indexed elements on the site (flash, JS, important content in pictures, etc.).

- Checking the correct layout of the site, cross-browser verification.

- Analysis of meta tags and headings for web pages of the site. Eliminate duplicate meta tags on different pages. If necessary, the implementation of auto-generation of meta tags and/or titles of pages in individual categories.

- Analysis of site navigation (menu, site map, search, splitting product catalogs / articles categories), if necessary, redesign the site structure to simplify user interactions with it.

- Search for broken links on the site.

- Analysis of the internal link structure of the site.

- Analysis of competitors, determination of their promotion strategies and advantages.

- Estimation of site page loading speed. If necessary, optimization performance.

- Analysis of the site's URL structure. Formation of requirements for changing the structure (and functionality - if necessary).

- Checking that the server handles error pages (404, 403, etc.) correctly.

- Analysis of site indexing. Drafting rules for managing indexing and their subsequent publication in robots.txt.

- Checking the correct operation of forms (in terms of validation and functionality).

- Checking the correct operation of the functionality of ordering goods/services (including shopping carts).

- Control of the presence on the site of all necessary commercial information (descriptions goods/services, pricing, interaction with clients/partners, contacts with directions, etc.).

- Content analysis for uniqueness, determination of the list of pages whose texts are subject to processing.


14. A detailed analysis of the link mass of the site available at the start. Monitoring and cleaning links.

15. A brief usability audit of the main pages of the site (main page, product catalog, product card, order functionality, shopping cart).

16. Analysis of the current interaction of users with the site (if there are web analytics counters). Identification of obvious problems with the functionality and usability of the site.

17. Distribution of the list of search queries for promotion through the pages of the site.

18. Formation of requirements for texts for landing pages.

19. Preparation of requirements for changing the functionality and / or structure of the site within its search engine optimization.

20. Organization of statistics collection. Installation of web analytics counters on the site (Google Analytics). Setting tracking targeted user actions.

21. Site registration in the Google Search Console service. Setting Indexing Options website. Linking to a Google Analytics profile.

22. Setting up tracking the dynamics of site positions, its search parameters and statistics attendance in the domestic formational system.

23. Registration of the website in the directories of search engines like Google Business.

24. Control linking the site to the desired regions in search engines.

25. Filling the site with materials. Request for materials needed for content development.

26. Writing texts for the site in the amount provided for at the stage of drawing up the strategy promotion, according to the requirements formed at the stage of analysis. If necessary, the development of graphic materials for display on the site along with the texts.

27. Customer confirmation and coordination of content.

28. Posting content to the site.

29. Filling in meta tags and titles for new pages when they are created. If necessary, the creation of functionality (sections, text blocks) for placement materials on the site.

30. Work on the functionality and structure of the site.

31. Creation and filling of the robots.txt file with the rules for site indexing, generated during the analysis phase.

32. Definition of the main website mirror. Setting up a server redirect from all non-primary mirrors to the main one for their correct "gluing" when indexing the site.

33. Switching the site to the secure HTTPS protocol.

34. Closing from indexing all non-unique content.

35. Closing from indexing unnecessary parts of the HTML-template of the site (to prevent them getting into the search snippet on the search results page).

36. Making changes to the site provided for and agreed upon during the SEO analysis of the site, including, if necessary:

- improvement of site functionality;

- processing of structure and navigation;

- elimination of problems of user interaction with the site;

- setting up a web server and content management system.

37. Implementing a search engine friendly URL structure on the site, according to the recommendations received during the analysis of the site.

38. Adding a sitemap, including its XML version (sitemap.xml). Site display in search results.

39. Analysis and adjustment of search snippets in search results, with filling the necessary data.

40. If necessary, create an online chat registration to add a button to the issue Company Chat.

41. As we re-index internal changes on the site, we analyze the positions and, if necessary, we make adjustments when the situation with the growth of positions is worse than expected. These measures include:

- Repeated SEO-analysis of the site. Formation of recommendations for improving positions.

- Re-analysis of the uniqueness of texts on the site (over time, they can be copied by competitors).

- Analysis of the imposition of search engine sanctions on the site. Measures to overcome sanctions, including interaction with Google support service and making adjustments in the content of the site that caused the imposition of sanctions.

- Website indexing control. Taking measures to reindex changes as soon as possible on the website.

- Countering the imposition of sanctions by search engines.

- Analysis of behavioral factors and measures to improve them.

- Identification of problematic traffic segments using web analytics data analysis:

• segments with a high bounce rate;

• segments with low number of page views and time spent on site.

42. Analysis of click-through rate (CTR) of links in search results for the main search engines requests. If necessary, adjust the search snippet

43. Analysis and optimization of behavioral factors on the site, by improving the functionality and adding content to the site.

44. Periodically filling the website with useful materials to improve interaction with users, leading to improved behavioral factors.

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