George S. SEO Expert

9 tips for how to do SEO for a single page website

Single page websites have gained immense popularity in recent years and there is absolutely nothing strange about it as this solution offers a lot of great benefits. However, you should be aware that a single page website causes a lot of difficulty and that SEO can be a lot more difficult. In this article, you will learn what SEO strategies you should adopt to ensure that your single page website ranks high in search results and has huge web traffic.

What are single page websites?

Single page websites are, as their name suggests, websites that contain only one HTML page. In practice, this means that all content, i.e. the availability of a product or service, contact information or the "About us" section, is placed on this page. These types of websites usually have a long scroll layout. Single page websites are mainly focused on a simple message, minimalistic content, and the use of creative concepts.

Pros and cons of single page websites

Can such a website be a good solution for you? As it turned out to be, yes! This choice really has many advantages.

The main advantages of single page view are:

- easy and convenient scrolling, linear user interface

- attractive layout

- the ability to quickly present the offer: service or main product suitable for both desktops and mobile devices

- high user engagement and conversion rate

- the ability to effectively use a call to action ( CTA ).

All the benefits listed above are really great and can contribute to a huge success, however, you should keep in mind that single page websites also have many pitfalls that require special attention. This is, first of all:

- website slow loading risk

- difficulties in locating all important information (no scalability

- complex analysis of web traffic

- complex indexing

- limited content marketing strategies.

As mentioned earlier, single page websites require the implementation of slightly different SEO strategies than conventional SEO. And here's what you need to take care of:

1. Increasing website speed

This is an element that you should definitely think about when optimizing any type of website, however, in the case of a single page website, fast loading times are especially important. Why? This page probably has a lot of different sections and design elements that can significantly affect their loading time. Remember that this aspect affects the user experience and is one of the Google ranking factors. Therefore, if your single page website is too sized, you should optimize it as soon as possible.

2. Make your website mobile-friendly

If you want to have your one page website, you must remember that it must be responsive, i.e. it should automatically adjust to the screen size and work correctly on different types of devices: desktop computers, mobile phones and tablets. Single page websites are quite often chosen as a mobile app promotion solution where there is only one main page with external links to the App Store or Google Play. In this case, mobility cannot be neglected!

Mobile traffic is increasing and this trend is expected to continue.

3. Do keywords research

Already at the stage of keyword research for single page websites, search engine optimization becomes a much more difficult task than with regular site search engine optimization ... And here's why! When it comes to a single page website, you have limited space so you need to research your keywords carefully. You should only choose the very best keywords that have the most potential for generating web traffic and increasing visibility in search results - unfortunately, you can't fit all the keywords you want on one page.

4. Divide your content into separate sections

Even though your website only has one page, there is nothing stopping you from creating an appropriate website structure that will present your content in a clearer and well-organized way.

Your website probably already has some structure, you probably have a menu first, then content for your main product or service, and at the very end, there are your contact details. So if you want to tell Google and users how to organize your content, the best way to do it is with DIVs and anchor links.

So how to do it? First of all, you have to determine which sections you want to separate on your site and name each of them correctly. It's best to use a keyword that describes the section well. Then give each of those sections (DIV) an ID (with a keyword, of course). It should turn out like this:

You can then add a link:

< a href="#section-name"> Section name

Once you click the link, you will automatically be redirected to another section of your single page website. As you can see here, the URL where the hashtag is added before the given section ID changes as well.

5. Add multiple H1 headings

It’s most likely that you've been told that there should be only one H1 heading per page. With single page sites, the situation is slightly different. Here you are encouraged to add one H1 heading to each section… Why? Because multiple H1 headings clearly indicate that the content on your page is divided into separate sections. With this solution, the division of your website becomes clearer for both users and Google crawlers.

6. Optimize the title tag and meta description

Title tag

As you probably already know, the title tag has a huge impact on SEO. You should optimize it to contain the most important keywords with the most potential. Use the potential that the title tag gives you, especially if you only have one page.

Remember that a well-optimized title tag for a single page website should:

- contain 60-70 characters with spaces

- include your brand name

- be optimized with the most important keywords, preferably with high search volume (remember that all words used in the title tag must also appear in the content).

Meta Description

The meta description as well as the title tag are also shown in search results, making it one of the first factors in determining if a user will choose your website.

The ideal meta description for a one page website should include:

- about 150-160 characters

- keywords (although they are less important for SEO in the meta description than in the title tag)

- catchy call to action to increase CTR.

7. Create great content

Content is king, so you have to take good care of it, which is even more important in the case of a one page website since you have limited space for your content. Please note that on a regular website you can also create individual pages or a blog and post trendy content, unfortunately you don't have that option here.

What rules should you follow when creating content for a one page site?

- keep it fresh and always up-to-date - make regular changes to the content

- customize content for your sections

- be concise and direct, post all the most important information

- make it legible and visually appealing, remember to format the text correctly.

8. Mind search optimization off website

Link building is an effective SEO strategy for all sites, but its importance is even greater for sites with little content, just like single page sites. When it comes to on-site optimization, you really have limited options, so if you really want to rank high in the search results, link building can be a hit. There are many ways to get great valuable links, you are encouraged to use social media profiles, bookmarking sites, sponsored articles, or industry forums, among others. A good way to get links is to also partner with other companies to get brand mentions and recommendations.

9. Analyze traffic

If you have a large website with hundreds of pages, then even if one page is down and losing traffic, you can still get traffic from others. Then it's not a hopeless case! In the case of a single page site, you can't recoup losses that easily, so you need to keep an eye out for traffic drops. You have a really small website, so take full advantage of what Google Analytics and Google Search Console have to offer.

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