Types of websites
Creating a website is one of the most economically viable marketing tasks. A well developed website attracts attention and with its help the company can provide its customers with information about their products and services.
Business web-site reflects the corporate identity of a company, that's why during its development it is absolutely critical to focus not only on its contents, but also on its design.
The type of website you create is determined by which tasks you want to solve. We recommend that you get acquainted with the main types of websites. This classification is conditional, but in most cases it will assist you in selecting the type of website you would like to develop and in the creation of the technical requirements for development.
Business Card Website
Business card websites are a very cost-effective solution for small businesses and individuals. The goal is to promote a product or a service. These sites usually have less than 10 pages. The web pages are usually news feeds, feedback forms, information about the company and a description of the product/service.
Representative Website
A more advanced form of the business card website, with a more complex and functional structure. The site displays expanded information, multiple publications and the price-lists of the company. There also exists an expanded version of the representative website, which is considered the optimal combination of cost and reward for a company web-resource. The site has all the necessary services like: news, a way to get in touch with a manager,expert consultations, a system to announce products and services, a catalog, a tool to publish price-lists and a database of informational materials.
Online Showcase
This type of a website is definitely an effective solution for any business. It represents all the necessary functionality for searching and ordering products off the internet. Also the online showcase posses an upgraded catalog of products, allowing you to post a wide variety of your products and services.
Online Store
A business-site equipped with all the necessary means to organize sales on the internet in real-time. It has a full catalog of products, integration with accounting systems, online payments and support for users of the resource.
Corporate Website
A website that combines an online-store, an online-showcase and a business card website. These types of projects can have extra capabilities such as: a database for the accounting of goods in various branches, a system for working with partners of the CRM class, personalized technical and marketing information. Websites that are built like this are a work tool for employees. Corporate portals are most useful for large companies with branches in different regions and have a dealership network.
Informational Site
Sites in this category resemble specialized journals, encyclopedias or reference books, they give their clients and users comprehensive information on a topic. Navigation on these portals has to be more advanced than on regular websites, it has many levels of menu nesting and separate additional blocks with subsections. This type of resource is effective for disclosing the topic of the direction of the company and solving marketing problems.
Gaming Platform
Platforms of this type represent a complex interactive entertainment portal. The game portal provides for high resource intensity and attendance. Game portals have amazing graphics, 3D effects, registration for users, news feeds, feedback forms, multi level menus and other types of modules.
Promo Sites
Created for the promotion of a certain product, company service, marketing promotions and events. In most cases promo-sites are created for an aggressive marketing strategy to promote the company's offers. The design of such a website is usually very emotional, which is important to have a strong influence on your audience.
Forums are created to enable communication between the users and the admins of a website. Forums can be a separate website or a part of a website. These types of projects have personal user accounts and allow for the creation of new pages by the users in order to discuss different topics.
Blogs represent a journal or an online diary, which is filled up by its users to create a sort of news feed. Each blog post can be commented on by the visitors of the blog. Usually the posts are sorted by subjects and are accessible from the main page of the site. Blogs resemble both news feeds, guest books and forums at the same time.
Social Network
Social networks are a complex system. The site combines various groups of services, and, possibly, areas of activity, united by a single concept. The portal site can be created not only for specific commercial, but also informational purposes and has maximum audience coverage. The most important goal of a social network is to create a community of users.
Our agency will develop a website for you of any level of complexity. A professional approach and many years of experience allow us to create websites that will meet the needs of any business or individual.
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